
PDW Logistik GmbH, with its headquarters at Richard-Strauss-Straße 16, 1230 Vienna, is the service provider within the Mediaprint Group responsible for the timely, high-quality delivery of around 475,000 print media a day, such as Kronen Zeitung, KURIER etc., in Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria, Carinthia and East Tyrol

Door-to-door delivery takes place by 6:00 am Monday to Saturday and by 7:00 am on Sundays and public holidays. Whether it is a mailbox, at the front/apartment door or under the door mat – deliveries are made to the preferred and requested delivery spot for each household.

In addition, the self-service department ("silent sales") ensures that Kronen Zeitung and KURIER are available to purchase on Sundays and public holidays via a nationwide sales network of self-service automats. PDW Logistik GmbH currently looks after the federal states of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland

Management Board

Management Door-to-door delivery
Wien, Niederösterreich, Burgenland

Bild, Walter Schwabl
Walter Schwabl, BA MBA MBA

Executive Assistant

Nadja Hinterecker
Nadja Hinterecker

Management Self-service / "silent sales"

Bild, Michael Erdt
Michael Erdt